Hot on the heels of Khembe’s Return to Your Roots, Suzy Rowland will be reading a few of my poems the local ‘playhouse’ Teddington Theatre Club on Friday 15th June. For full details and tickets, please click on the Facebook link or the Write Out Loud links below: WriteOutLoud event:


Rehearsing for Poetry Cafe, Director Anne Warrington of Poetry Performance.

I will be on stage with three other published poets including Greg Freeman, from Woking’s Write out Loud, in a Poetry Cafe style staging. It should be a great evening. After my readings in front of an excitable home crowd in Birmingham, it will be great reading for my local crowd from the Teddington, Hampton Hill, Hampton, Richmond and Kingston areas. South West London massive in the house 🙂

Guests will be treated to gems from Songs of My Soul as well as some of my new compositions, covering social issues, culture and black history. We’re in full rehearsal mode at the moment, it’s very exciting! There were even a few tears at the rehearsal, which I think is a sign of some powerful reading.

Would be great to see you there!

Suzy x